Friday, January 6, 2017

How my life changed

It was september 2016,i was excited as my dad visiting me here in London. Morning was normal i sent my husband off to work,went out on my walk. Was out at farmers market,he called me.His was frail and i could feel some discomfort. Asked him,told me that had chest pain and lost his balance. Asked me to come to GP that moment.
       Till date i've never fumbled or been blank in any give situation. I board train and to my total disbelief i was on wrong train. I just knew one thing,had to get to my husband and i reached there. He was waiting with smiles but i knew something was wrong. Doctor took ECG and we did find out there was just one block. It was god sent really.
               We were sent to specialist Srini couldn't walk inch without support. I was waiting to get there. Same evening he put stent. My husband by far most active and fit person. It gave me shock and i know have not been myself from then, Especially seeing him not eat normal food. I've never expressed myself so openly to anyone in person. Today as we came back from doctor,he told us Srini was perfectly fine with all parameters normal. I felt so contented and during these 3 months we have learnt lot and cooking,life style has changed for better.